BITS Pilani

  • Last updated on Thursday, November 10, 2011

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Geared for All-Round Growth

About Flexibilities

BITS Pilani, offers freedom to the students to choose from the following flexibilities:

  • Dual Degree

    One of the most popular flexibilities provided by our educational structure is the dual degree scheme under which students concurrently work towards completing two integrated first degrees within a reasonable period of time. All students admitted to Group B programmes are given an opportunity to work under this scheme for one of the Group A programmes as well.  Assignment to programmes are made on the basis of individual performance during the first year

    In the assignment of dual degree, first priority is given to the students in Group B seeking a second degree under this scheme from amongst the programmes in Group A. After fully satisfying the known needs of the first priority, a second operation is done to consider the other priority, namely, students in any group seeking a second degree from amongst the programmes in another group. While it would be academically and procedurally acceptable for a student admitted in Group A or B programmes to seek a second degree in Group C in the dual degree scheme, the reverse process is not normally possible. However, a student admitted to Group C will be eligible to compete for dual degree for any degree of Group C or any degree in Group B or MMS only in Group A.

  • Transfers

    Within the same tier:

    From first degree to higher degree/Ph.D. degree:

    In the case of bright and promising students of the Integrated First degree programmes a transfer to Higher Degree and/or Ph.D. degree is sometimes provided.


    Between Ph.D. and higher degree programmes:

    Under special situations a transfer between Ph.D. and higher degree programmes may be permitted. Movement in either direction is theoretically possible. The Academic Regulations need to be consulted for details.

  • Audit

    Students interested in specific courses outside the scope of their curriculum can take taken them audit. This facility has been conceived to primarily meet the needs of casual students (not enrolled for degree). 

    Certain courses such as Foreign Languages, Music etc. are offered apart from degree programmes. Students who wish to take on these courses can take them only on audit basis on payment of additional fees

  • Other Flexibilities

    The structure of degree programmes and Academic Regulations also provide certain other flexibilities like choice of electives, number of electives, repetition of courses, departure from normal pace, withdrawal from or substitution of course(s) etc.


The evaluation system at BITS Pilani encourages and rewards continuous and systematic study. It also provides a continuous feedback to students and thus encourage more holistic learning.


One of the unique features of BITS Pilani is the flexibility it offers its students. Students can opt for Dual Degrees, transfers and the courses that form a programme.

Practice School

Aimed at orienting students to the professional world. Implemented at various professional settings such as national laboratories, financial institutions, R&D centres, software & health care organizations.

An Institution Deemed to be University estd. vide Sec.3 of the UGC Act,1956 under notification # F.12-23/63.U-2 of Jun 18,1964

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